Prayer Times for Los Angeles, US
Date: 19 Dec 2024
- Fajr: 05:24
- Sunrise: 06:54
- Dhuhr: 11:51
- Asr: 15:09
- Sunset: 16:47
- Maghrib: 16:47
- Isha: 18:17
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Seeking accurate prayer times in Los Angeles, California? Our website provides a reliable and up-to-date resource for Muslim prayer times in Los Angeles, including the all-important Fajr prayer time. Whether you’re searching for “prayer times Los Angeles” or specifically “Fajr prayer time Los Angeles”, we offer precise schedules to help you stay connected to your faith. We understand the diverse needs of the Muslim community in LA, so we make it easy to find the prayer time Los Angeles California that you need, ensuring you never miss a salah.