Prayer Times for New York, US
Date: 22 Dec 2024
- Fajr: 05:38
- Sunrise: 07:17
- Dhuhr: 11:55
- Asr: 14:52
- Sunset: 16:33
- Maghrib: 16:33
- Isha: 18:11
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Need to find accurate prayer times in NYC? Look no further! Our website provides reliable and up-to-date prayer time schedules for New York City, ensuring you never miss a salah. Whether you’re searching for “NYC prayer time” or “prayer time NYC,” we’ve got you covered with the precise timings for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Stay connected to your faith and maintain your prayer routine with ease, no matter where you are in the city.