Prayer Times for Los Angeles, US
Date: 19 Dec 2024
- Fajr: 05:24
- Sunrise: 06:54
- Dhuhr: 11:51
- Asr: 15:09
- Sunset: 16:47
- Maghrib: 16:47
- Isha: 18:17
Based on:
For Muslims in Los Angeles, knowing the exact Fajr time is essential for beginning the day with prayer. Our site provides accurate and reliable Fajr time Los Angeles schedules, ensuring you can perform your early morning prayer at the correct time. Whether you’re at home, work, or on the go, you can always find the current Fajr time in Los Angeles right here. Stay connected to your faith and start your day right with precise Fajr prayer timings tailored specifically for the Los Angeles area.